Have you applied for a job or are you currently in remote mode, but are struggling to find a professional rhythm? It’s true that this new reality can be fun for some, but it can also be scary for others. Rest assured, we can help you be efficient and productive, even when you’re alone at your computer at home.
Creating your remote work space
When you telecommute, it is difficult to create a separation between your personal and professional life. That’s why it’s important to create a space that is ENTIRELY dedicated to work and nothing else.
The most important rule to follow is not to allow yourself to work from your bed or couch; this is the best way to open the doors to procrastination! You must therefore manage to free up a space in your home where you can sit in a chair, facing a desk or a table: this way, you will not only adopt a better posture, but you will more easily stay focused on your work. If it is possible for you, try to create a work space, which looks like you, where you feel good, to boost your productivity to the maximum.
The place should also be calm and orderly. Don’t hesitate to ask your family or roommates to make less noise during your work hours to help you stay focused. It will also help you not to be distracted by everyday situations in your personal life and create a bubble where you can focus only on work.
Establish a remote work routine
Remote work can be difficult for some people since they share the same daily living space as work. It is therefore important that you set up a routine that will contribute positively to your productivity.
First of all, take the time to wake up in the morning: start with the same morning routine you would have if you were going to work outside your home. Make sure you don’t stay in your pajamas and dress as if you were going to work at the office with colleagues.
Also, to create a break between your private and professional life, it is recommended that you set up predefined working hours. This way, you will be able to keep a professional rhythm and allow yourself not to answer emails or messages beyond a certain time. You need to be able to set limits in your work to succeed in reconciling your private and professional life. In doing so, the clear separation between the two will tend to push you to be fully committed to the task at hand when you are at work.
Finally, you need to make this rule: don’t procrastinate. It’s important that you don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today, such as sending emails, answering messages: these are quick tasks to do that you shouldn’t put off! Also, if you procrastinate because one of your work tasks scares you, don’t hesitate to talk to your supervisor and even trust yourself a little more!
The importance of your well-being
Just because you stay at home all day doesn’t mean you should neglect your well-being!
When working from home, we often tend to work without taking real breaks. But it is essential to allow yourself to take breaks. Not only for your well-being, but also so that you can be more efficient for the rest of the day.
We strongly recommend that you go outside once a day to get some fresh air to keep you moving: not only will it allow you to disconnect from work and clear your mind, but it will also promote better blood circulation after sitting for long hours.
You can also take advantage of these breaks to get in touch with your loved ones. It is important that you do not cut yourself off from the outside world! Socializing contributes positively to your mental health, which in turn is a determining factor at work.
During work, don’t hesitate to keep in touch with your colleagues or superiors by sending messages or making phone calls.
Ready to get started?
Don’t forget that with the BOM application you can recommend someone or apply directly for jobs. You’ll even receive a monetary reward when you or the person you referred gets hired!